Help - How do I obtain a League ID?
- If you already have an account with us, be sure to Sign in, otherwise, please Register for an account, then Sign in.
- Once signed in, click your name on the upper right, then select My Leagues.
- Click the "Available LeagueID's" tab:
Click the "Get new LeagueID" button.
- Select the Country, State, Center (select Traveling League if it is a Travel League), then see if the League is in the list. If it is, select the League. If it is not, enter the League Name, then click Submit.
- If your Center is not listed, please see My Bowling Center is not listed. How do I add my Bowling Center? for further assistance.
- See How do I upload my League data? for further instructions on uploading your data via the CDE Software's Bowling League Secretary (BLS) Program.